Wednesday, 7 November 2012

1 Of The Best Camera Apps on iOS - Snapseed

Smartphone photography has taken the world by storm and even people that once didn't care about snapping photos on-the-go are now avid photographers.

For all you iPhoneographers out there, here is 1 of the best photo editing apps available on the App Store


It's plain and straightforward interface is something you shouldn't underestimate. Snapseed is packed with features that allow you to intuitively and selectively edit any area of the photo you desire.

Snapseed is very responsive, whether tapping on a single portion of the picture or applying changes to a full-sized image. Rendering the effects takes a fraction of a moment. The changes can be previewed as quickly as you drag your finger across the display.

Nik Software has stepped up their game big time by adding selective adjustment.

"Instead of adjusting parts of the image using masks or layers, the app intelligently detects what you want to edit based on the control points you've dropped, a feature we found rather ingenious." - Laptop Mag

You can select a section of the photograph to adjust it's color, and then pinch to expand the area covered by the control point.

Of course one of the most popular aspects of photo editing is photo filters. You'll be glad to know that Snapseed has a wide selection of filters that you can - as with any adjustment you make to your photos - tweak to your liking. Whether you want to pop in a texture overlay or simply intensify the lighting, it can be done as easily as saying 'Snapseed'. 
I've included a link to the app if you fancy buying it off iTunes - 

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