Monday, 10 September 2012

MGS: Ground Zeroes - Just Take My Money Kojima!

With gameplay as gorgeous as the CGI cut scenes, Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes is nothing short of spectacular. 

Mind = BLOWN!

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Stanley Kubrick And His One-Point Perspective

The following is a compilation of Stanley Kubrick's - shall I say trademarked - One-Point Perspective shots. 

Though these may have gotten annoying as he used them in every flick he ever made, you don't see these anymore. And personally, I think that this isn't a good thing. Because when they're done right, these simple one-point perspective shots can mean the difference between effective and boring. No matter how much Kubrick overused this shot, it always had a mesmerizing effect on his audience. The feeling that everything is aligned and in-sync when there's not much going on on-screen (usually a lone character walking away or into the screen) is just magnificent.