Monday, 9 January 2012

Still Compositing - The Apache Project

I'll admit it, I do a ton of b.s. on my computer in my spare time (Don't Ask!) LOL! -- That include's Still Compositing. Instead of just taking pictures, I prefer to take videos instead and by using the Freeze Frame feature in After Effects I choose whichever point in time I like best and set my imagination free.

Credits go to a friend: Wajahat Siddiqui :D

So I didn't have a helicopter model on hand at that time and felt like I needed to do something in under an hour. Then, it dawned on me: GOOGLE! I went online, looked for a free Apache AH-64 model. I'm really not sure if this is the same blog I used for the model but it came with a MAYA version as well as 3DS MAX (My package of choice). 

Then came the fun part, VideoCopilot's Action Essentials 2. I use it wherever I can because it makes my work more surreal and gives it a dreamy kinda look. Added some VideoCopilot's Optical Flares - you really can't go without this, it's an amazing plug-in and can do wonders. Lastly, I used Magic Bullet's Looks for color correction on top of the built-in Curves feature in AE. Not sure which preset I used, but I think if you look under 'Cinematics' you should be able to find a 'Blockbuster' Look -- 2 thumbs up! -- It's EPIC! 
Preferably you can use Magic Bullet's Mojo but Looks comes with these (mentioned above) presets that should be more than enough.

Check out the final composite below! :D

I don't own the rights to this Apache model. Google it. It is freeware.

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