Tuesday, 31 July 2012

SKYFALL International Trailer -- Damn!

Feast your eyes on the fantastic brand-new trailer for the latest installment in the James Bond franchise, Skyfall.

Words cannot describe the utter feeling of grimness that I felt when I saw Javier Bardem in the trailer. REJOICE! Oh and...

Monday, 30 July 2012

No! Please...NOT THIS! - Silent Hill: Revelation 3D

Warning: the following trailer will raise many questions. Such as...'ARE YOU SERIOUS?' and 'CAN A TRAILER BE THIS BAD?' etc. I had loads more, rather insulting ones in mind but I'll just leave it as is. 

There is NOTHING 3D about this - as is the case with many 3D films these days. 

This marks the decline of proper 3D if not horror film making as a whole. And what the frig is Sean Bean doing in this horrid ode to modern-day film. 

Note: I haven't seen the film and my opinions are solely based on the trailer

Look at all that make up! - Looper Trailer

Never have I seen such proper use of make up. 

Up until I saw Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy -- where they made Gary Oldman (my favorite actor) look aged -- I thought they wouldn't be able to match up to that level. But, obviously I was wrong. A trailer for the upcoming movie Looper showed up. It stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis as, well...killers? Yeah, killers. Or actually...assassins of the future that get all paranoid and try to kill each other traveling through time - or something along those lines. 

The point being: they made Joseph Gordon-Levitt resemble a younger Bruce Willis. Brilliant!

Cloud Atlas Trailer - WOWWY!

I'm not gonna lie, this is by far one of THE best trailers (for a movie based on a book that I've never heard of) I have ever seen. It's visually stunning. Gripping. And at times, morbid. Yes...morbid! 

Plus, Tom Hanks is in it so you'd be a fool not to give it a shot. Oh and I almost forgot Halle Barry even existed until I read the cast names on IMDB. It's been too long! 

Check it out: 

*Morbid - Characterized by or appealing to an abnormal and unhealthy interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects, esp. death and disease.